Thursday, July 31, 2008

Safe, sound, strong -- and federal deposit insurance too!

Dan Mica explains how credit unions are safe, sound, strong -- and virtually all are federally insured.

Monday, February 11, 2008

... On banker priorities

Dan Mica is back on the web with this expose' of the banking industry's priorities -- including (of course) stifling the nation's credit unions!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

... On why all should be able to join a credit union

In his latest video blog posting, Credit Union National Association President/CEO Dan Mica says every American consumer--tired of being "nickled and dimed" by banks--ought to have an opportunity to join a credit union.

He referenced the July 16 column called "Ditch Your Bank," which advised readers to join a credit union if they were sick of getting hit with fees, earning poor interest rates and being treated like a "nuisance" by a bank.